The last few days I've been thinking a lot about what the kids say, they often say the funniest things and often at not the best times! Recently with Michaela talking more and more, (she is almost 2, just ask her!) she has me laughing all the time and I have to admit that I've never taken the time to write down some of the things that the kids have said. So I thought I'd share a couple of them on here, so you might have a laugh and I have a record of them.
Friday night we were watching the football when Michaela tells us that they all "hug and fall down", we tried to explain it was a game but to her it was hilarious that all these men hug and then fall down on the ground! On Sunday night when I was getting the bath ready for Michaela and Eli she informs me that she is a "pretty girl" (She had been dressed up for the day and had on her fancy boots) I asked her who told her that and she said "dad me pretty girl, not mum, mum me dag!" Oops what a great mother I am, Dad tells her she's pretty and I call her a dag! Which she now calls anyone that falls, slips, does something silly or makes a mess. I do have to say that although she makes me laugh frequently the older kids still get me giggling on a regular basis. On Tuesday morning we were at the kids school for a BBQ family breakfast, Curtis was having a warm milo when he sat down and spilt it on his leg. His first reaction was to yell rather loudly "TAXI". What a fine example in front of his teachers. In my defence although I often say it when someone spills a drink or breaks a glass alcohol is rarely involved, to the point that I had to explain to the kids why you would say taxi if someone spills a drink. However I think the worst was a few years ago when Kayden was about 3, I often say crap, I don't swear but that is my frequently used word when something goes wrong, and Kayden had started saying it. I told him it wasn't a nice word and that I'll try and stop saying it as well. A couple of days later in a shopping centre full of people I dropped something and said 'crap' Kayden in all his wisdom and at the top of his lungs shouts out " Mum you said the C word, your not allowed to say the C word" Needless to say I got numerous bad looks.
Well I better go, I'm currently working on miss michaela's birthday party invites, she is having a lady bug party! Hopefully I'll get them done and be able to share tomorrow night!