Well it took a while but summer finally found us! Before Christmas I had promised the kids a water fight when we got back, so after filling up water bombs for about 40 minutes, (and getting a bit burnt) off they went!
They had loads of fun and there were only 2 rules, gentle with the little girls & don't throw them at mum! Needless to say we know which one of them got broken :-)
The biggest problem with the water fight, the water bombs lasted all of 2 minutes!
Oh well good, clean fun!
I think what added to the novelty was that all the kids have grown up with water restrictions, a nation in drought. It wasn't until recently that the restrictions were relaxed, and then after the devastating floods that have demolished Qld and now Victoria the Dams in Canberra are now sitting at full. So the kids have enjoyed being able to run under a hose and we even purchased a sprinkler!
After the water bombs ran out, and I had gotten sufficiently wet mum turned the hose on the children!
And even chased them on to the trampoline.......
No explanation needed!
So a few days after the water fight we headed over to Big splash. The kids had received passes for Christmas from Santa and were super eager to use them. We haven't been since summer last year, when Kayden was to scared to go on any slides. I'm pleased to say that he did eventually have a go on some of the slides and I think he is a bit more confident, ready for the school swimming carnival!
Ash trying to convince Kayden to go on the slides.

Curtis having a ball!
Michaela Climbing up, she was actually scared to go down this time..........
Going down the slide, note to self the pool isn't very deep and not designed for adults!
We had a great time, and the kids can't wait to go again!
Curtis having a ball!
We had a great time, and the kids can't wait to go again!
On a side note, I just want to ask (if anyone actually reads this!) people's opinion of my blog. You see according to my sister, and now Curtis my last post was lame, and I look like a loser! This is common from my sister she continues to tell me I can't sew (after a few, rather dodging attempts in high school), that I can't cut hair (after 1 bad job) and is always surprised if something I do turns out well. She doesn't do this in a nasty way, it's just her, but as she is the only person that gives me feedback I am being to have a little bit of self doubt.........