Thursday, January 20, 2011

The road less travelled.............

Well what do you know 2 posts in the same week! It's a miracle :-)

I thought I'd share one of my favourite days over the school holidays so far, a day on the river.

After our trip to Adelaide for Christmas, we headed down to Batemans Bay to have a relax, enjoy our "beach house" and let the kids enjoy the sun and the surf! As anyone from Canberra or the bay would know the road at that time of year is ridiculous, as the trip from bungendore to braidwood was bumper to bumper, I took a slight detour through Araluen and headed down the coast the long way round. It did take 3 hours, a little longer than the kids expected, and it was a windy dirt/gravel road but it was a great drive and I was very proud of myself for doing it (as I had never driven very far on a dirt road before).
Anyway after a week on the coast it was sadly time to come home, so we decided to have a detour on the way. We stopped at Moruya markets (which is huge compared to last time I was there) and grabbed some yummy fresh food, sourdough bread, tomatoes basil and olive oil. Sat down and had some milkshakes at the health food shop and cafe before heading off to the national park.
The kids loved it, they always do. Getting the chance to be free, run around, explore, climb, jump, swim it's fantastic. It always amazes me that not matter when we go, (which is as often as we should) that it's always quiet.

I mean it's a beautiful spot, and it was early January, peak season and yet there was only a few other cars there.

The kids favourite thing to do is to jump off this rock! They love it, that's all they talk about the whole way there and the whole way home. This time Kayden even managed to jump off, after a little (or a lot) of hesitation.

The little kids enjoyed it to, Michaela kept trying to *wash* Eli, and Eli just kept trying to eat the sand!

This would have to be one of my favourite photos! Seeing that cute little bottom just hanging around - I can't wait to scrap that!

And this, seeing them having so much fun together makes me smile. It makes me appreciate things a little more and also makes realise that we *need* to make this happen more often.

Things get so busy, so caught up that we forget to slow down and take the road less travelled..........Night all!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

At last.............

Well where does the time go? I know it's been months since I wrote, and in all honesty part of the reason I haven't written in the last month or so was because I'd felt guilty for taking so long to write! I know that really makes sense!
Anyway I thought I'd share a few things that have been happy over the last few months, as they have been rather busy.
So I finally finished uni for the year which was fantastic! (Pretty pleased with myself actually) We had all the usual commotion leading up to Christmas, frantically making presents right up till a few days before Christmas. We also had a couple of boys birthdays, (which always make me feel old!) A trip to Sydney to meet Uncle Nick, visiting from Canada/South America, end of the school year and than a trip to Adelaide for Christmas! We always seem to be busy, and even though I constantly feel exhausted I wouldn't have it any other way!
I thought I'd share a few random photos from the last couple of months.
(I hope you enjoy the Santa photo, it took 8 trips to visit Santa to get it!)
Curtis cooking up a storm - making his speciality Pavlova!

The kids at the coast setting up Nanny's and Grandpa's tree.

Collecting vegies out of Grandpa's Garden - THE BEST VEGIES EVER according to Kayden!

Our amazing view from the apartments we stayed at in Sydney, unfortunately it was the same weekend as Oprah visited so it was a bit crazier than usual.

Ash crashed out after Christmas lunch and a couple of hours in the pool! Soooo cute :-)

Eli and Michaela having lunch in a gorgeous vegetarian cafe somewhere in the hills around Adelaide.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and new year and that your managing to enjoy the school holidays, Back soon....................hopefully.