F O R E V E R and all of the sudden he is 11 weeks old and can't fit in the bassinet any more! Why is that when your pregnant time seems to go so slowly? I do have rather uncomfortable pregnancies, getting extremely large, having problems holding my pelvis together, having to use crutches, not being able to stand, sit or lie down. Add to that the fact that only one of my beautiful children has been under 4.5kg and the last 2 over 5.3kg, so you can see pregnancy isn't easy for me, maybe this is the reason it seems to last so long. So why as soon as my babies are born does time need to speed up? I mean really after going through all that can't they just stay smallish for a little while? Why do they feel the need to grow up so fast? I have been telling the older kids for years to stop growing, but they refuse to listen to me! They would laugh off my silly games of not letting them have their next birthday or mixing them up a magical potion that stops them from ever growing up. That was until Michaela came along, all of the sudden the older 3 children have noticed how fast she has grown up, how quickly she has gone from being a baby to an independent, chatty if not extremely bossy little girl! Now with Eli they think time is going even quicker, he was smiling and 'talking' at 4 weeks old. He was trying to roll over when he was still in the hospital, he has been holding his head up and looking around, following everyone and acknowledging all of our voices since he was only a few days old. This isn't fair, I want my baby to be a baby for as long as possible. It seems as though it wasn't that long ago that Curtis was a baby and now he is in year 5 and almost 11! Is time really going faster? When I was a kid, a year seemed to go on forever, it was ages between birthdays, school holidays seemed to last for ages and now it feels as though it comes around faster all the time! Why is this? Is it just that I'm getting older and have been around a bit longer? Or is it that I try to cram so much in, try to do to much, over schedule and over commit myself that I don't have time to enjoy everyday? Maybe it's a bit of both. Maybe as you get older time does seem to go faster, I know my grandmother in law tells me that all the time. Maybe I need to slow done a little, enjoy every day, not get to hung up on what I still need to do and appreciate what I did get done, even if that is only that I got up, got dressed and survived the day with all children still in tact! I have always enjoyed the kids, I love spending time with them, playing silly games, reading countless books, doing craft, cooking, and having deep and meaningful discussions with a 6 year old, but I really think I need to appreciate it a little more because they grow up way to fast!
On a side note I have been doing a bit (or trying to) on my A to Z album, here is a few more layouts. I have done others as well but Blogger won't let me upload any more photos so I'll post them on another day.