Okay so I've been very slack in updating this blog lately, actually since the start of September, and some how we're already into October! I know that in my last post I said I would post more often and I haven't but this time when I say that I'm going to post more often I really mean right? Right.
So I thought I'd share a few of the reasons that I haven't been blogging, apart from the regular chaos that is my life. Newest reason is that I have no computer, :-( I didn't realise how dependent I had become on until it died. So alas there are no photos in this post. I have also been a little busy with Uni, I just finished writing up an assessment (for the 2nd time as the computer took the first one with it when it died) and had an exam a couple of weeks ago. Add to this that my baby girl miss Michaela turned 2, which meant cute little lady bug invitations HAD to be made, with a get together in the park and a lady bug cake. The kids also finished term 3 at school and had lots of things on including a performance at floriade and Curtis participated in a debate at a nearby school. We also took a quick weekend trip to Brisbane and caught up with some great friends and had a look around, trying to get a feel for the area and where we might like to live when we move up!
Ok so now I have written it down it does look like as much as I thought. I should also mention that the big kids have been on holidays for the last 2 weeks. I love school holidays, no rushing around of a morning, no trying to cram things in between 9 and 3, no need to wake up sleeping babies at pick up time. Not to mention the extra time spent enjoying my 3 big kids that seem to grow up way to fast! We didn't do alot these holidays, we spent some time down in Batemans Bay with Nanny and Grandpa, and than I came home with only 1 child which was a rather strange experience! The kids had a ball down there though, going to the movies, enjoying the beach (even though the water is still freezing!) and riding scooters. Whilst they spent time down there having fun I started ripping up tiles in the bathroom. I will upload some photos later (when I have a computer!).
So that's about it, there has also been lots of creating happening as well, but I will save that for tomorrow!
Have a great week!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
From the mouths of babes.....................
The last few days I've been thinking a lot about what the kids say, they often say the funniest things and often at not the best times! Recently with Michaela talking more and more, (she is almost 2, just ask her!) she has me laughing all the time and I have to admit that I've never taken the time to write down some of the things that the kids have said. So I thought I'd share a couple of them on here, so you might have a laugh and I have a record of them.
Friday night we were watching the football when Michaela tells us that they all "hug and fall down", we tried to explain it was a game but to her it was hilarious that all these men hug and then fall down on the ground! On Sunday night when I was getting the bath ready for Michaela and Eli she informs me that she is a "pretty girl" (She had been dressed up for the day and had on her fancy boots) I asked her who told her that and she said "dad me pretty girl, not mum, mum me dag!" Oops what a great mother I am, Dad tells her she's pretty and I call her a dag! Which she now calls anyone that falls, slips, does something silly or makes a mess. I do have to say that although she makes me laugh frequently the older kids still get me giggling on a regular basis. On Tuesday morning we were at the kids school for a BBQ family breakfast, Curtis was having a warm milo when he sat down and spilt it on his leg. His first reaction was to yell rather loudly "TAXI". What a fine example in front of his teachers. In my defence although I often say it when someone spills a drink or breaks a glass alcohol is rarely involved, to the point that I had to explain to the kids why you would say taxi if someone spills a drink. However I think the worst was a few years ago when Kayden was about 3, I often say crap, I don't swear but that is my frequently used word when something goes wrong, and Kayden had started saying it. I told him it wasn't a nice word and that I'll try and stop saying it as well. A couple of days later in a shopping centre full of people I dropped something and said 'crap' Kayden in all his wisdom and at the top of his lungs shouts out " Mum you said the C word, your not allowed to say the C word" Needless to say I got numerous bad looks.
Well I better go, I'm currently working on miss michaela's birthday party invites, she is having a lady bug party! Hopefully I'll get them done and be able to share tomorrow night!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
To follow up .............
Just a quick note about my last post. After posting that on Monday night, I went to uni yesterday and during my promoting positive learning environments lecture, we discussed the science of giving. Here is a quote from the lecture,
"Giving reduces mortality signifcantly, even when you start late. Dough Oman of UCB followed almost 2000 individuals over the age of 55 for 5 years. Those who volunteered for 2 or more organisations had 44% lower likelihood of dying. This is a stronger predicitor than exercising 4 times a week (30%)."
So apart from making me feel like I'm giving back to my community, now I don't need to exercise! Have a great Wednesday!
"Giving reduces mortality signifcantly, even when you start late. Dough Oman of UCB followed almost 2000 individuals over the age of 55 for 5 years. Those who volunteered for 2 or more organisations had 44% lower likelihood of dying. This is a stronger predicitor than exercising 4 times a week (30%)."
So apart from making me feel like I'm giving back to my community, now I don't need to exercise! Have a great Wednesday!
Monday, August 30, 2010
This and That
So these photos were taken on Sunday just near Canberra, my husband took the 3 big kids to have a look for some snow. This is what they found!
The children haven't really seen snow before (other than a few years ago on the side of the road) and they were excited to go and find some. They have been promised that next year they will get to go to a snow field and hire gear and do the whole thing properly. That being said they did have fun, and really enjoyed the snowball fight, making sure each person got hit in the head at least once! (as you do)
Love this shot of Kayden, the look of concentration!
Curtis shaping his snowball

One of the reasons for not visiting the snow earlier is Ash's fingers, she suffers from chill blains and it can cause her real problems.

These photos don't really show the full extent of the problem but basically her fingers are red and purple and a bout twice the size they should be. Also rather painful and hot to touch - not fun!
Also following on from my last post, my sister was over on the weekend and was left alone with Eli for all of 5 minutes, this is what I came back to:

Not just a kilt, but bagpipes to complete the outfit - I guess it's a look!
One of the reasons for not visiting the snow earlier is Ash's fingers, she suffers from chill blains and it can cause her real problems.
Also following on from my last post, my sister was over on the weekend and was left alone with Eli for all of 5 minutes, this is what I came back to:
As an aside I wanted to have a little rant about volunteering. Last week and this week I'm madly trying to do everything I normally have to do (kids, house, study etc) but am also trying to do numerous school P&C things as well. Don't get me wrong, I love helping out - I wouldn't do it otherwise but I do wonder why it's always the same people? In the last few days we've had to arrange morning tea and a ceremonial cake for the hall opening, organise things for a BBQ breakfast in the morning (yes I have to be at school by about 7.45) and than get organised for the father's day stall, which isn't to bad as a few people are wrapping gifts so I'm only wrapping about 80 gifts and then manning the stall for 2 mornings. Like I said I do enjoy it, and I love the feeling of giving back to the school or community. I think this also has a positive influence on my children and their role in the community and the notion of volunteering and community spirit.
You see the reason I thought about this was that today I was asked why am I doing all the stuff at school? Actually I had decided to step back this year with Uni starting and Eli being born, so I stepped down from the P&C and from my Women's group and thought I'd help out here and there but didn't want to commit to anything more. But I seem to be taking on more and more somehow! I guess I put my hand up, but it's only because no one else seems to. Is it just me or are there fewer and fewer people doing volunteer work? Is it that people are too busy? Or is that an excuse because they don't see why they should donate their time and effort if someone else is willing to do it? I don't really understand. I guess I see what I do on the school P&C as a way of contributing to my children's education, in the form of providing additional resources and supporting activities that couldn't happen without added helpers. I also see it as a chance to meet no only other like minded parents but also build relationships with the teachers and staff at their school - who at the end of the day have a huge influence over my child. I think my lack of understanding steams from this point - why wouldn't you want to be actively involved in your child's education? why wouldn't you want to be aware of what is happening in the school and who these people are that are influencing your child? Food for thought I guess.
Okay time for bed, if you got through all that you must be pretty fantastic, that or really bored. Anyway night!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wee Bairns!
Curtis Filling up the bag.
Look at his style! He had no idea how to hold it.
Miss Michaela, a gorgeous look - kilt over pyjamas

Eli's also got a heap of clothes - exhibit A Superbaby outfit!
Here are a few random shots from the last few days:

The kids wrestling on Miss Michaela's bed! They love wrestling.

And a few shots from the book parade yesterday:

Kayden as Peter from the chronicles of Narnia

Ashley as Sapphire from the Pearlie series

Curtis as Gregory from Diary of a wimpy kid

Well I should stop now, have lots on over the next few weeks with the kids school. Add to that my uni tutor has advised us that for 1 subject we actually need to do 30 hours a weeks worth of work, I'm going to be stretched to get time to do anything creative - although I have a couple of ideas that I really need to play with so I can see that I'll have a few late nights trying to cram everything in! Hope you have a great week, Bye!Eli's also got a heap of clothes - exhibit A Superbaby outfit!
Here are a few random shots from the last few days:
The kids wrestling on Miss Michaela's bed! They love wrestling.
And a few shots from the book parade yesterday:
Kayden as Peter from the chronicles of Narnia
Ashley as Sapphire from the Pearlie series
Curtis as Gregory from Diary of a wimpy kid
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
W is for waterpark!
Ok I haven't really gotten round to doing too many scrap booking posts so I thought I'd do a quick post from my A to Z album. So I'm doing W! W was easy for me to pick, last year for the Canberra day holiday we took the kids to Jamberoo recreation park and it was brilliant. Being Canberra day (March) meant there only seemed to be Canberra people there so it wasn't too busy, being in March it wasn't ridiculously hot either. Perfect! WE also went with my sister and a friend and her 2 boys, which was great as it gave Curtis someone to play with and meant we had an extra pair of hands! Jamberoo has lots of slides, pools etc plus toboggans and also the ROCK! Now I hadn't been there since I was in high school, but I remember jumping off the rock then. You see I'm terrified of heights, shake, feel sick, get dizzy everything, it's awful. But worst than heights is the fear of embarrassment, of having to walk back down, past the line everyone looking at you! So when we took the kids last year and Curtis wanted to jump of the rock (which I think is about 5 meters) I had to take him up. I did suggest that we jump off the small one first (only 2 1/2m) which he and his friend did no worries and then we went up to the big rock. I had to go first, obviously, and not show any signs of fear! Just before I jumped I told Curtis ( 9 years old) walk to the edge, don't look over and just jump! So I jumped, swam to the edge and turned to watch him. He walks to the edge, he is little for his age but being up so high, by himself he looked tiny. By this stage everyone around the pool was watching and you could hear people commenting that there was no way that little boy would jump! They obviously don't know Curtis, because without a seconds hesitation off he jumps! And then again and again and again. I think that was my favourite memory of the day.
Don't get me wrong, the rest of the day was great as well such as us all sitting having lunch, overlooking the wave pool!
Everybody racing down the slides on their mats!

Posing for countless photos with all the characters around the park.

It really was a great day and although we didn't go this year (I was very pregnant!) we are really looking forward to going next year.
Posing for countless photos with all the characters around the park.
On a side note I'm not sure how much time I'll have over the next few weeks to be creative as I started back at uni yesterday and I can see the next few weeks (or months) being about just getting through it and not a lot of time for anything else! One of my lectures had informed us that we need to set aside 30hours a week for that subject, not sure where I'm going to pull that from - maybe no sleep! Hopefully I'll get to do a post before the end of the week and let you know if I've done a challenge piece for Saturdays Kaszazz team meeting, Bye!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
If only I was 2 again!
On another note I've been thinking about what to do with this cupboard door.
Recently we had been thinking of moving house, (our house is way to small) but since we've been here about 4 1/2 years I've been marking the kids heights on the inside of the pantry door. I love it, and when we talked about moving I started wondering what would happen to my door. I mean I guess I can't rip it off and take it with me! So after thinking about it for a few days I have thought of a little project I could do using the door and markings. Not sure how it will turn out but I'll keep you updated. I guess I'll have to do it sooner than later as I meant to be revamping the kitchen over the next few weeks which means the doors will have to go!
And another project that I'm currently working on, I think I actually started this in March it was a doona and wall hanging for Eli, Oops! Yet another UFO (unfinished project)
The wall hanging (I haven't put it up yet, will have to wait till I rearrange rooms - again!)
His buttons that Miss Michaela choose and had to help sew on.
So that's me for tonight, hopefully I can do another post tomorrow as I had intended to do one every couple of days and tonight's was nothing like I had in mind, it just came from me having to vent my frustration - argh, much better. Thanks, Good night!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Beware of the supermum!
So I've been thinking a lot about the notion of 'supermum'. I think all mums do a great job, some work full time, some part time and some are stay at home mums. Personally I think that mothering is the most challenging job you'll ever face and there has been a few blog posts recently about this. For example here and here. I guess my thing about supermums is that they just don't exist. Often when people find out that I have 5 children, their first comment is "I don't know how you do it!" I often get people saying things like 'I just don't know you have the time to do everything' or 'I can't do that I just wouldn't be able to fit it all in'. I have a few problems with comments like these: 1- I'm really not good at taking compliments! and 2- I don't have any more hours in the day than anyone else I guess I just choose to use them differently (hence my ironing pile!). There is no humanly possible way that I could do everything around the house, look after 5 children including a toddler and a baby, act as a taxi service, study and help out with volunteer organisations, and stay sane! I couldn't, no one can. A few months ago I went to BWG's Women's gathering, it was an awesome day and one of the key presenters was Jules Tarrant, she is an amazing inspiring woman and a great friend. She was saying beware of the supermum, how (and I'm para phrasing) you might see these amazing women that always look fantastic, juggling children, work etc and you're likely to think that they really had their stuff together, little do you know that earlier that day they were curled up in the fetal position sobbing! Everyone thought this was hilarious, not just because the way she said it was funny but also, I and I'm assuming all the other women there could relate. I know there has been numerous days that whilst I might start off the day fantastically I end up falling apart. Days where I have found myself laughing at the fact that a then 5 year old decided to drag himself around the house in the washing basket scratching the 2 week old floorboards. I had to laugh,it was either laugh or cry! Days when the kids need to get somewhere, I'm trying to feed, I've been thrown up all over and have dinner burning, when I seem to ask myself 'if this only happens to me?' Days (like all of last week) when I have had to carry a 2 1/2 month old and an almost 2 year old into school at 5 past 3 to pick up children, with snot all over my shoulder, kids coughing and eyes hanging out their heads. I don't care to think what some parents thought then! I doubt that when people see me like this they are going to say how lucky I am to have time to craft! I guess what I'm trying to say that no one is perfect, no one can do everything all of the time without losing the plot. I think mum's in general are too hard on themselves, I know I always have a fear of someone turning up to the house unannounced and coming into the 'bombsite', of being judged as a bad mother for not having a clean house. For not spending enough time reading with the kids individually every night, I always feel guilty that I don't do guided reading anymore and the list goes on. So what am I going to do about it, well I think I have had a bit of a mind shift of the last few months. Up until this year I never asked for help, I felt like people would think that I couldn't cope, I now realise that there is no harm in asking for help. I have wonderful friends that are always helping out and I like to think that I do the same. I'm not going to get hung about the house as much, my friends are comfortable coming into the mess and putting on the kettle and getting there own coffee! Most of all I have acknowledged that I can't do everything and I'm ok with that, and if anyone thinks that they can good on them! I would have my doubts, but good for them! So if you find that your comparing yourself to this fantasy figure that is 'supermum' just stop past my place and you'll see something far from it!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Girly gifts!
A few of the pages inside - including pages for her to stick in photos, write down guests names, gifts, games, words of advice, and to guess the weight and date of the baby!
So there you go, last nights rushed project - note to self stop leaving things to the last minute!
With that in mind I should go and re-write these instructions for my workshops tomorrow night, will let you know how it goes. Hope you have a great weekend, Bye!
With that in mind I should go and re-write these instructions for my workshops tomorrow night, will let you know how it goes. Hope you have a great weekend, Bye!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Todays blog is brought to you by the letter Z!
So I thought I'd do a little write up on each letter and for some reason I thought I'd start from the end! So here goes.
Firstly trying to find something for Z was a little difficult for me but finally I thought about a layout I did about a year ago with Michaela as a baby when she was asleep and snoring, hence the Z's. So I know it's a bit of a reach but that's all I had and at least it let me get in some more gorgeous photos of sleeping babies!
So materials used: chipboard letters- weird, Gelati paper range, Gelati tag cut outs, raven bazzill, weird lettering. I think that was it. They are Basic layouts but I think that is a good thing. If I tried to make them to fancy, 1 I think it might of been too much for a whole album and overshadowed the photos and 2 I would never have finished it!
On another note I'm just going to have a whinge about my stupid computer! I had finally finished writing up all the instructions for my 2 workshops that I'm testing on Saturday night (about 6hrs work) and went to email them to some friends last night to have a look to discover that the computer had chose not to save them! Aah I'm not sure why this happens but it seems to happen whenever I try to download something (i.e a template) and then try to save it, so last night I wasn't happy! My husband in all his wisdom asked me why I didn't check that it had saved before closing the document. Yes Hindsight is a fantastic thing! Anyway now that's out of my system I'm off to finish making some presents for Curtis teacher for her baby shower!
Might post them tonight! Have a great day!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
More A to Z album.........
Anyway here are a few more pages:
T is for trees - of the climbing variety!

U is for Uncle Nick - this one is because the kids don't get to see him at the moment as he lives in Canada

V is for Vacation - our trip to Hawaii in 2008.

W is for Waterpark
X is for Xmas (couldn't think of anything else starting with x!)
U is for Uncle Nick - this one is because the kids don't get to see him at the moment as he lives in Canada
V is for Vacation - our trip to Hawaii in 2008.
W is for Waterpark
Today I asked some friends to have a read of my blog and give me some feedback, one suggestion was to do a post on each individual letter layout, what do you think? I might give that a go tomorrow. If I don't do it over the next couple of weeks I don't think it will get done, I can see my time being even more stretched when Uni goes back - which by the way I am really looking forward to even if I'm a little stressed about juggling everyone with classes, doing all the reading, assessments and a 3 month old baby. Should be interesting............
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