Do you ever wonder why children refuse to sleep? I do, constantly! I have just spent the last 2 hours, that's right from 7.50pm to 9.50pm trying to get Miss Michaela to stay in her bed and GO TO SLEEP! Okay in her defence we were out for lunch and didn't get home till after 3 which meant she had a late nap, than Miss Ashley was being a drama queen so I spent a great deal of time trying to defuse that, as well as Baby Eli trying to have a feed and to top it all off Dad wasn't here to back me up! You see Michaela is not quite 2, she'll be 2 next month and we've only just moved her into a big bed about a month ago, so she is still enjoying the new found freedom and has gone from a little girl that just went straight to sleep (after months of training!) to someone who fights it like the plague! And this is the bit I don't understand - what I wouldn't give for a daytime nap, no one would have to ask me twice, I'd be out like a light. And going to bed at 7.30, yes please. Why is it that when your a baby or a little person all people want you to do is go to sleep, if you sleep a lot everyone is happy. The problem is you don't appreciate it, you fight it, you kick, scream, whinge, argue, need to get a drink, need to go to the toilet, not to mention the endless "but I forgot to say goodnight". Is sleeping really that bad? the answer is no! Sleep is
blissful, it's not until your a parent that you understand the true joy of sleep. It's just one of those things that until you've had it taken away from you, you just don't appreciate it. So that is why I wish I could go back to being 2, just for a couple of days. Just long enough to catch up on about 11 years off lost sleep, off being up throughout the night, of numerous night time feeds,of have to get up early and of going to bed late just so I can have some time to myself!
On another note I've been thinking about what to do with this cupboard door.

Recently we had been thinking of moving house, (our house is way to small) but since we've been here about 4 1/2 years I've been marking the kids heights on the inside of the pantry door. I love it, and when we talked about moving I started wondering what would happen to my door. I mean I guess I can't rip it off and take it with me! So after
thinking about it for a few days I have thought of a little project I could do using the door and markings. Not sure how it will turn out but I'll keep you updated. I guess I'll have to do it sooner than later as I meant to be revamping the kitchen over the next few weeks which means the doors will have to go!
And another project that I'm currently working on, I think I actually started this in March it was a
doona and wall hanging for Eli, Oops! Yet another UFO (
unfinished project)

The wall hanging (I haven't put it up yet, will have to wait till I rearrange rooms - again!)

His buttons that Miss Michaela choose and had to help sew on.

doona (yes it is very scrunched but it just came out of the dryer and I couldn't be bothered ironing it before I took a photo!)

The back of his
doona, Yes I love Mickey!!!!!
So that's me for tonight, hopefully I can do another post tomorrow as I had intended to do one every couple of days and tonight's was nothing like I had in mind, it just came from me having to vent my frustration - argh, much better. Thanks, Good night!
Hi Rach, I'm so with you on the sleep thing - and I am only five years down!