So these photos were taken on Sunday just near Canberra, my husband took the 3 big kids to have a look for some snow. This is what they found!
The children haven't really seen snow before (other than a few years ago on the side of the road) and they were excited to go and find some. They have been promised that next year they will get to go to a snow field and hire gear and do the whole thing properly. That being said they did have fun, and really enjoyed the snowball fight, making sure each person got hit in the head at least once! (as you do)
Love this shot of Kayden, the look of concentration!
Curtis shaping his snowball

One of the reasons for not visiting the snow earlier is Ash's fingers, she suffers from chill blains and it can cause her real problems.

These photos don't really show the full extent of the problem but basically her fingers are red and purple and a bout twice the size they should be. Also rather painful and hot to touch - not fun!
Also following on from my last post, my sister was over on the weekend and was left alone with Eli for all of 5 minutes, this is what I came back to:

Not just a kilt, but bagpipes to complete the outfit - I guess it's a look!
One of the reasons for not visiting the snow earlier is Ash's fingers, she suffers from chill blains and it can cause her real problems.
Also following on from my last post, my sister was over on the weekend and was left alone with Eli for all of 5 minutes, this is what I came back to:
As an aside I wanted to have a little rant about volunteering. Last week and this week I'm madly trying to do everything I normally have to do (kids, house, study etc) but am also trying to do numerous school P&C things as well. Don't get me wrong, I love helping out - I wouldn't do it otherwise but I do wonder why it's always the same people? In the last few days we've had to arrange morning tea and a ceremonial cake for the hall opening, organise things for a BBQ breakfast in the morning (yes I have to be at school by about 7.45) and than get organised for the father's day stall, which isn't to bad as a few people are wrapping gifts so I'm only wrapping about 80 gifts and then manning the stall for 2 mornings. Like I said I do enjoy it, and I love the feeling of giving back to the school or community. I think this also has a positive influence on my children and their role in the community and the notion of volunteering and community spirit.
You see the reason I thought about this was that today I was asked why am I doing all the stuff at school? Actually I had decided to step back this year with Uni starting and Eli being born, so I stepped down from the P&C and from my Women's group and thought I'd help out here and there but didn't want to commit to anything more. But I seem to be taking on more and more somehow! I guess I put my hand up, but it's only because no one else seems to. Is it just me or are there fewer and fewer people doing volunteer work? Is it that people are too busy? Or is that an excuse because they don't see why they should donate their time and effort if someone else is willing to do it? I don't really understand. I guess I see what I do on the school P&C as a way of contributing to my children's education, in the form of providing additional resources and supporting activities that couldn't happen without added helpers. I also see it as a chance to meet no only other like minded parents but also build relationships with the teachers and staff at their school - who at the end of the day have a huge influence over my child. I think my lack of understanding steams from this point - why wouldn't you want to be actively involved in your child's education? why wouldn't you want to be aware of what is happening in the school and who these people are that are influencing your child? Food for thought I guess.
Okay time for bed, if you got through all that you must be pretty fantastic, that or really bored. Anyway night!
I blogged about this a while back. It isn't only schools that are having trouble with volunteers - you look at the people doing the work at soccer, always the same people, despite there being hundreds of damilies involved in the club. I have chosen to take a back seat at school for various reasons, and now after reading your post I feel bad for not helping. But I have decided to be useful where my help is wanted, so will now be taking on an extra soccer job.
ReplyDeleteBut I agree - it is easy to just turn up or drop your kids off and not take on any responsibilty. If everyone did one small job everything would be done - it isn't hard and it is fun (at times).
You also need to learn to say no - a lesson I learnt the hard way. Maybe if things don't get done, then other people may step up and do them.
Hey don't feel bad you have done more than enough! And I have learnt to say no, it's my new favourite word!
ReplyDeleteI've volunteered there quite enough to ne honest but I do agree with what your saying. Parents need to get more actively involved in helping out and not just have the same faces doing it all every time an event comes up. But ppl won't. Most of them don't realise the amount of work that goes into planning and executing these things. these are the same ppl that go shopping and grab there $3.67 eggs and complain about the price and not give a moments thought into how the eggs got there.....
ReplyDeleteHey Rach, I agree totally. I was having the same discussion with some other Mums at school the other day as we all rolled our eyes and said 'fancy seeing you here!" I've just spent the past three years as the Chairperson for my children's childcare centre even though they were only going one or two days per week. I had other parents say "oh, I'd never have time to do stuff like that" inferencing being that they work full time, full stop, I don't need a reason to not help out. I work part-time but I don't do it because I have time on my hands (ha!) because I don't do paid work full time - I, like you, want to know that whoever is looking after my children be it childcare or school, is doing the best that they can and if they need help, more resources, someone to do the lobbying for them, then I'll be there. I want to build a relationship with the teacher and know how to help my sons get the most out of their education. And yes, I do think the kids see Mum helping out and they see that it is worthwhile. The biggest thing I've learnt and the hardest thing to do is saying NO! Setting your own limits so that you've got time to be with your own kids is very important too. I found I volunteered to do all these things for the kids childcare or school and found myself explaining to them that I was doing it for 'them' - they can't see that. They just see Mummy not spending time with them, even though it does affect them. So I made a conscious effort to pull back this year and let others pick up the slack. And mostly they do (although they'll never do it as well as I could!!!!)